SSBM - Sri Sri Babaji Mission
SSBM stands for Sri Sri Babaji Mission
Here you will find, what does SSBM stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Sri Sri Babaji Mission? Sri Sri Babaji Mission can be abbreviated as SSBM What does SSBM stand for? SSBM stands for Sri Sri Babaji Mission. What does Sri Sri Babaji Mission mean?Sri Sri Babaji Mission is an expansion of SSBM
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Alternative definitions of SSBM
- Super Smash Brothers: Melee
- Super Smash Bros Melee
- Super Smash Brothers Melee
- Springer Science and Business Media
- Seven Shades of Black Magazine
- Shooting Stars Business Mgt
- Super Squishy Bean Munchers
View 11 other definitions of SSBM on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SF Srimangal Foundation
- SWS Sristy Welfare Society
- ST Sruthi Trust
- SGSS Srvodaya Grama Sevak Sangh
- SSF SS Foundation
- Saurabh Shiksha Avam Samaj Kalyan Samiti SSASKS
- SSDNVEF SSDN Virtual Educational Foundation
- SSSKDJS SSSK Deena Jana Sevashramam
- SAF St. Anthony's Foundation
- SJKG&PS St. Jerusha K.G & Primary School
- SMES St. Mary's Educational Society
- SPT St. Paul's Trust
- ST St. Thersa
- SXSSC St. Xavier's Social Service Center